[email protected] | Prayers for those who are in our hearts (submitted): |
Those with unspoken prayers Those affected by Covid-19 Andressa Wilson Suzanna Davis (Kathy Broadwell) Casey & Chelsea Smith (Rosie Green) Dortha Terrell (Mike Terrell) Larry Herring (Mark Faust) Virglyn Meadows (Bob Meadows) Hugh Springfield Mike Sissell (Connie Thiessen) Nita Brooks (Mark Faust) Juanola Mobley (Mark Faust) Ayden Rangel lll, Daria Rangel lll, Tito Rangel Jr, Betty Rangel, Mack Cremer, Neida Micklesen Wendy & Mike Brooks Sonny Cordes (Linda Neff) Lee Brown (Michelsen) Alexandria Blitaki (Mariah Picot) | Scott Hill (Bob Meadows) Susan White (Caroline Cremer) Tammy Wynn Dani Steininger (Barb McRaney) Dennis Stacy (Mike Stacy) Bruce Quaze (Kaufman’s) Jason Zamarra (Peggy Rolen) Lilly Camp & family (Katie Richmond) Doneta Kunkel (Mark Faust) Christina Neely (Gustina Atlas) Pam Warren (Karen Allen) Liam Wilson (Michelsen’s) Kyle Squire David Gearhart (Bob Meadows) Bobby Warren (Bob Kaufman) Peggy Rolen Christine Weaver Liz (Peggy Rolen) Those fallen on hardship & health situation Mr. Saunders (Connie Thiessen) |
Remember Your Praises for Answered Prayers
FCC United Mission Statement
As the hands and feet of Christ,
we show love for the Lord by showing
love to others through our mission work.
Elders Serving: Paul Allen & Mark Faust
Diaconates: Caroline Cremer & Tim Rolen
Door Greeter: Tammy Heaton
January 30, 2022
2565 MacArthur Blvd.
Lewisville, TX 75067 972-446-9808
Senior Minister Rev.Shannon Grubbs [email protected]
Administrative Assistant Connie Thiessen [email protected]
Parish Nurse Barbara Amond [email protected]
Music Director Mariah Picot
Pianist Miriam Fung
Organist Dennis Michelsen
Worship 10:25 am (Live Facebook & Youtube)
Sunday School 9:15 am
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FirstChristianUnited/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHyHCckf–aGtnSuHbeEutw
To use Teleworship call 214-699-5100; and when prompted,
enter the access code 3072773 followed by the pound sign (#).
Open Prelude “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Dennis Michelsen
Prelude “A Mighty Fortress is our God” Miriam Fung
Welcome/Announcements/Invocation Mike Terrell
* Opening Song “Change My Heart Oh God”
Threshold Moment Shannon Grubbs
Threshold Song “Make Us One” Mariah Picot, Angie O’Dell,
Gary Tatsch, & Ron Stubblefield
May the peace of Christ and the blessing our Lord be yours! Shannon Grubbs
*And also yours! Congregation
+ Amen
Children’s Moment Shannon Grubbs
Recognition of Amonds as Elders Emeritus Shannon Grubbs
Scripture Reading “1 Corinthians 3:10-23” Mike Terrell
Pew Bible # 927
Anthem “Way Maker” Angie O’Dell, Gary Tatsch
Sermon “The Architect of Community” Shannon Grubbs
*Doxology to God’s Word “Glory Be To The Father” P 35
Joys & Concerns Shannon Grubbs
Moment of Silence
Lord’s Prayer (sins/sinners) Shannon Grubbs
*Response to Prayer “Blessed be the Lord“
Communion Invitation/Prayer Mark Faust
Communion Hymn “One Bread, One Body” P 393
Words of Institution Shannon Grubbs
Offertory Meditation/Prayer Paul Allen
Invitation Membership Shannon Grubbs
*Closing Hymn “How Firm a Foundation” P 618
Benediction Shannon Grubbs
Postlude “Ancient of Days” Miriam Fung
* Please stand if able
** Congregation response
+ All
.Looking Ahead!
Sunday January 30 Juliette Fowler Service Today 2:30 pm
Sunday February 13 Sweetie Pie dinner 5:00 pm
Saturday February 19 Meet and Eat (Parma’s) 5:00 pm
Games and Dominoes 6:00 pm
Tuesday March 1 Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras 5:30 pm
Pancake dinner
Wednesday March 2 Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 pm
Sunday April 10 Palm Sunday (Holy Week begins)
Friday April 15 Good Friday Service 7:00 pm
Saturday April 16 Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt 8:00 am
Sunday April 17 Sunrise Service 7:15 am
Sundays (1st) Elders Meeting 8:30 am
Sundays (2nd) Board Meeting 11:30 am
Mondays (2nd) Agape Men 7:00 pm
Saturdays(3rd) Meet & Eat Game Night 5:00 pm
Tuesdays (4th) Potpourri Ladies 7:00 pm
Every Sunday Tai-Chi 5:00 pm
Praises in the morning with Shannon Grubbs (Facebook Live) 7:30 am
Too early for some of you folks, the video will still be available for you later risers.
Today January 30 Juliette Fowler service at 2:30 pm. 1234 Abrams Road, Dallas, Texas 75214, Phone: 214.827.0813, [email protected].
You folks who would like to go, we have a quick lunch and meet back at the church at 1:30 and caravan to Juliette Fowler. Anyone is welcome to come.